Frequently Asked Questions

Our aim is to provide a welcoming environment for the enjoyment of lifelong learning leading to an improved quality of life.

Please find below the questions we get asked the most often.

  • Is Bedford House Community Association a charity?

    Yes, Bedford House CA is a charity.  Bedford House was established in 1946 and receives no funding other than the use of the building. Course fees are subsidised by approximately 30%.  The Administration Team fills the 30% gap by generating income from other activities such as Space Hire and Fundraising.  The 30% gap is equivalent to £75,000 - £90,000 depending on the wider economic situation affected for instance by fluctuations of utility costs.

  • What are the Term Times for 2024/25?

    You can find our Term Times here.  Please note that courses can have individual start and end dates and sometimes different breaks during the term.  Please see our course pages for dates specific to your course.

  • Can I get a refund or credit?

    Please see our Credit, Refund, and Cancellation Policy here.

  • Do you operate a pay-as-you-go system?

    We are unable to offer pick-and-mix purchasing of sessions during the academic year as this risks making BHCA courses financially unviable, makes tutor employment uncertain, and it is an added administrative burden.  Having the odd absence from our courses does not entitle students to a refund or not to pay for that session.  Please also see the Credit, Refund, and Cancellation Policy here.

  • Do you have an Access Statement?

    You can find our Access & Inclusivity Statement here.

  • Do you have a Code of Conduct?

    You can find the Code of Conduct here.

  • Can I pay by the half term?

    Our fees are charged by the term only. 

    We piloted half-termly fees in a previous year.  Following a review at the end of the year we had to return to full term fees only due to the added administrative burden of managing half termly fees.  We aim to keep the fees as low as possible for the benefit of students which means we need to keep processes as simple as possible.  More complex administration requires more staff hours which will add to the cost of fees.

    Using a credit card to pay for courses will enable the buyer to spread the cost over several months if they wish.

    If students have an exceptional and major reason, that is discussed in advance of a term, for not being able to cope with a full term payment such as financial hardship, a pre-planned operation, or moving out of the area we are happy to exceptionally consider your reasons.  Please email the Office Manager for your case to be considered on . Please allow 14 calendar days for a reply

  • Can I enrol after the start of a course?

    Yes students can enrol anytime of the year.  Students would normally be charged a pro-rata fee for the remaining sessions.

  • Can I reserve a place on a course if I know I will be starting later in the term?

    Students can only reserve a place on a course if they pay the full course fee.  Students can enroll any time but the place cannot be reserved unless full payment has been received. The course may be full if you decide to enroll after the term starts.

  • Can I avoid paying for the last few sessions of a term because I am going travelling or have some other events I need to attend?

    Students cannot avoid paying for less than a full term unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Please see other similar questions and answers on this page.